IQ Service TLS port recommanded

Does anyone know the TLS port number that is recommanded for runing IQ service witth TLS ?
The default TCP port is 5050.

hello there!

theres no specific or preferential port. youc an Configure it to whatever you need.
But Sailpoint normally “recommend” 6060 upon the documentation or install.

But you can chose whatever you want. Just remember to have the correct network for it.

Hi @ipobeidi,

Thanks for your reponse.
Yes we know that we have a choice for any port.

For “But Sailpoint normally “recommend” 6060 upon the documentation or install.” do you have the documentation reference please ?

The typical LDAP over TLS port is 636 (this is not specific to SailPoint).

Thanks @sup3rmark.

636 is For LDAPS communication normally ?

For example with non tls beetween VA and IQ Service they use 5050 which not standard port.

VA to IQService is different than IQService to AD. 636 is the standard port for LDAPS, and is automatically enabled on domain controllers when you add a cert to the DC.

When the VA is talking to IQService (which, just to be clear, should not be running on a domain controller), that’s just a standard HTTP/HTTPS call rather than an LDAP/LDAPS call.

there you go

My question is for VA to IQ Service in TLS.

Why they use 5050 port for VA to IQService communication rather than http port 80 or https port 443 ?

@ipobeidi i mean where the 6060 port is mentionned ?

If you install Iqservice with TLS it creates on 6060.

On Compass also have the documentation for it.

You will mean this parameter : TLS port Number is not required when installing IQ Service and they set by default 6060 ?

Look Here :


Have this :

This not related TLS normally and it only an example if we wante to change port ?

Can we say that Sailpoint not recommed any port ?

note that this is not a recommendation or a default, this is just an example of how to configure it using a non-default port number.

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I found anywahere an recommended TLS port.

We install our IQService with TLS and non port.

For TLS port we used 5051.

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