Can you please assist in providing a sample workflow for the requirement of notifying someone (AD Team) when AD provisioning fails for any user? I have attached the example workflow, but it is not functioning correctly and is throwing an exception.
Hi @poison001
You can use after provisioning rule to check the provisioning result and send email on failures
This is an example from IIQ but I think it applies same for idn as well
What error you are getting at which step in workflow? You are getting exception while testing workflow?
@poison001 A simple way to track / notify all the failed provisioning using a search.
You can use below query (select only event in the filter) Save and Subscribe it:
attributes.sourceName.exact:“Active Directory” AND status:FAILED
It will collect all the provisioning operation like ADD, CREATE and REMOVE.
If you want real time notification please use after provisioning rule as suggested by @Sriindugula
Shekhar Das
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