Individual aggregation in SSFF Web Services connector

I have an SSFF web services connector in which I already have account aggregation working correctly, now I want to get individual account aggregation working from the accounts tab

But I try the “Get Object” operation and the results are an error
This is the context url that I used "/odata/v2/EmpJob?$format=json&$expand=employmentNav/personNav/personalInfoNav,employmentNav/personNav/nationalIdNav&$orderBy=employmentNav/personIdExternal&$filter=employmentNav/personIdExternal eq ‘XXXXX’ "
It is the same context URL that I used in the successful account aggregation, only in the filter I tried to make it only for one identity

Hey Juan,

Maybe try to use $getobject.nativeIdentity$ on your filter to get the account, like:

...$filter=employmentNav/personIdExternal eq ‘$getobject.nativeIdentity$’ "

Remember that Native Identity it’s the attribute that you configure on the SSFF Schema as the Account ID

@Juanisola Assuming your nativeIdentity (account ID) is personaIdExternal, try with below query:

/odata/v2/EmpJob?$format=json&$expand=employmentNav/personNav/personalInfoNav,employmentNav/personNav/nationalIdNav&$orderBy=employmentNav/personIdExternal&$filter=employmentNav/personIdExternal eq '$plan.nativeIdentity$'

Also if you can share the error snippet to understand why would it fail? if you hardcode the value and trying.

FYI - I am actually using parent child HTTP config to get the user details like below which works perfectly fine for me:

#Get user details (parent endpoint) map the userId (which is personIdExternal)
/odata/v2/User('$plan.nativeIdentity$')?$select=defaultFullName,status,department&$expand=empInfo,pronounsNav/picklistLabels&$filter=status in 'active'&$format=json

#Get EmpJob details (child endpoint) fetch the response like below
/odata/v2/EmpJob?$select=company,companyNav/name_defaultValue&$filter=userNav/empInfo/personIdExternal eq '$response.userId$'&$expand=departmentNav,locationNav,companyNav,customString2Nav,userNav,userNav/empInfo&$format=json

Hope this will help.

Shekhar Das