Incomplete aggregation of CyberArk roles at ISC

Hello everyone.

We are using the OOTB connector to integrate CyberArk ISPSS with ISC.
The account aggregation is working fine. However, entitlements aggregation does not read all the roles it should. So far, the aggregation does not read the “Low Risk Users” role, however, it does read the “Medium Risk Users” and “High Risk Users” roles.

On the other hand, another role that we see that it does not read is, “Everybody”, is there any explanation for this?
Is there anything we should configure to make it read those roles as well?

Thanks in advance.

Do you see those roles when you query the SCIM groups endpoint through something like postman using the same credentials?

Thank you for the prompt reply. We have not run that test. It is another team who manages CyberArk so I will ask for that test.
In case you can’t see them, can it be some permissions issue?
And in case I do see them, is there something we can test the ISC?

I would test with the scim user the CyberArk team gave you to use. If those groups are able to be seen using that scim api call, then there’s an issue with the connector and you’ll need to open a support case with sailpoint.

If you can’t see them, then the CyberArk team will need to figure out what permissions need to be applied to that user that will allow it to see those groups

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Thank you for your support.
I hope to run the test soon and confirm in this publication for future deployers.