Implement Mover Lifecycle status in Transform rule


We have the following requirement:

The client want implement mover Lifecycle status based on change of department. We are implementing Lifecycle status by transform rules , but we dont know is there is a way to get the old value and the new value of department of the user

Is it possible get old and new value and detect the change?

What is the best way to implement this use case?

Thanks in advance

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Hey @ismaelmoreno1,

Thank you for posting this question. I will do some research and we will circle back with some insights on this for you.

Hi @ismaelmoreno1,

I see you tagged this question as “Event Triggers”. Are you hoping to use an event trigger to detect when an Identity’s department has changed? If so, our Identity Attribute Changed event trigger does exactly that. It will tell you the old and new values for any changed attribute, like department.

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Probably you will need to supplement your transform with an auxiliary identity attribute calculated with an identity attribute rule.
The rule for the identity attribute will copy the value of the department. Every time the identities are refreshed, the rule will check if it is different. If different, the identity attribute won’t be updated and will keep the old value.
So your LCS transform will be checking if department!=olddepartment .


Hi @ismaelmoreno1, as Jose indicated above, you can use an identity attribute rule here, which has a passed reference to oldValue. This should tell you what the previous identity attribute value was, and you can compare that to the incoming HR data to see if it’s changing.

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The reference of oldValue is not consistent. It is not returning the most recent old value. If you change the value a couple of times, oldValue is always the oldest value and not the most recent one. Has anyone been able to solve this?