IIQ Console for testing Provisioning Rule - IIQ 8.2

The easier way to test this would be to use the provision console command, which has the following syntax:

> provision
usage: provision [<identity>] <planfile>

The identity argument is technically optional, and if provided, can be somewhat arbitrary - I’ve often used provision spadmin plan.xml for that command.

This will run the referenced plan through the full provisioning process (including all provisioning rules), and allows you to provide the plan XML that you already have.

Helpful hint #1 - to more easily re-use the same plan XML, I’ll often deliberately throw and exception in my rule to prevent the ACTUAL provisioning from executing. This allows me to make code changes and debug more easily. You can do this by adding a line like this before the rule exits: throw new Exception("Forcing to fail for testing purposes...");

Helpful hint #2 - Open the console using the -j flag to enable j-line. This enables the console to remember command history just like a normal command prompt, so you can repeat the same command by pressing the up arrow on your keyboard.