We are trying to use the following IDNRuleUtil function in a cloud rule (Before Provisioning) to fetch the entitlements’ display name, but we couldn’t find any information on the methods available for ManagedAttributeDetails model.
public ManagedAttributeDetails getManagedAttributeDetails(String sourceId, String name, String value, ManagedAttribute.Type type)
We did tried with few methods like - getName(), getDisplayName(), getDisplayableName() as shown below, but none worked for us.
//Sample Code for reference
import sailpoint.tools.Util;
import sailpoint.rule.ManagedAttributeDetails;
import sailpoint.object.ManagedAttribute;
ManagedAttributeDetails managedAttrDetails = idn.getManagedAttributeDetails( "2c9180867e8d83e2017e9d6ce3812486", "groups", "00g20b6x672qgBKL41d7", null );
entName = managedAttrDetails.getName();
entDisplayName = managedAttrDetails.getDisplayName();
entDisplayableName = managedAttrDetails.getDisplayableName();
Can you please help with the details of methods available for ManagedAtributeDetails class, especially for retrieving the entitlements’ displayName ?
Thanks in advance!