IdentityNow Search: Get Users With More Than One Account in the Same Source

I’ve added below search query

@accounts('Delimited File' OR'EndToEnd-ADSource-DD') AND accountCount:>2

expecting that only users having more than 2 accounts on source ‘Delimited File’ OR ‘EndToEnd-ADSource-DD’ should be displayed but it shows all users having more accounts across all available sources. How to limit to specific sources?

I’ve seen this discussion and I think it is still unclear how to retrieve users with duplicate accounts Get Users With More Than One Account in the Same Source

(Note: looking for simple search query and not API JSON payload)

Hi @Swapnil_Kotwal,

I don’t think there is a simple search query that will fulfill your requirement. I believe you have to use the JSON payload that is listed in the discussion you linked to. I recall doing a lot of research, including asking internal experts, to arrive at that JSON payload.