Hi All,
I have a workflow to generate a Jira ticket via API for all terminated users. It works just fine.
I want to split the userbase between US and non-US (for GDPR requirements) to generate separate tickets. So I replicated the existing workflow and added a “compare string” operator.
If the results read “false” (non-US), the ticket generates just fine.
If the results read “true” (US), it does not pull the identity values and errs out (values are null).
The request bodies are almost identical. The US (true) request body is exactly the same as the existing workflow. The non-US (false) request body just has some values that were removed.
Am I missing something? (I copied the existing workflow once and modified it, then I manually recreated the workflow a couple times)
Thank you!!
Existing workflow
LeaverTicketGeneration_existing.json (5.1 KB)
New workflow
This one works.
This one does not work.
LeaverTicketGeneratorbyCountry_new.json (9.0 KB)
Error (Note: The values do exist in the users’ profiles – and it does calculate the date accurately in the previous step):
{“error”:“actionStep(HTTP Request 1) Err: task failed: activity error (type: sp:external:http:v2, scheduledEventID: 35, startedEventID: 36, identity: [redacted]): request failed (type: HTTP Response Returned a Client Error, retryable: false): request failed: 400 - 400 Bad Request - {"errorMessages":,"errors":{"customfield_20300":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","customfield_11822":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","customfield_19905":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","duedate":"Error parsing date string: {{$.defineVariable.todaysDate}}","customfield_12000":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","customfield_12213":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","customfield_13601":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid","customfield_23314":"Option id ‘null’ is not valid"}}”}