We have a bigger problem in sailpoint all the time, because we have a lot of sources and Access Profiles or Roles or Applications.
When I need to delete access profiles or sources, if you have this access profiles or sources used in some integrations, you need beginner to remove access profile per access profile in roles and apps after it you can delete the source you want, it’s worst for administrators.
If I need to delete a source, I need to do faster it, nothing beginner to find and lost a lot of time to search what’s the applications I have this access profiles used in this source for after delete it, Sailpoint needs to remove this rule, If I want to delete just send in screen " Are you sure about delete this source?" Yes, DELETE, No, don’t delete.
Hi @thiagomouro,
One way you can achieve this is by resetting the source with the below API calls :
POST https://sailpoint.api.identitynow.com/beta/sources/:id/remove-accounts
POST https://sailpoint.api.identitynow.com/beta/entitlements/reset/sources/:id
This would ensure that the Access Profiles associated with the source are also deleted.
Take a look at the below documentation
Hi @thiagomouro I definitely understand your pain. A suggestion would be the best approach for this as a feature.
If i reset the source in these apis, I can after it to use delete source? I don’t need more delete access profile per access profile and to find access profile in apps or Roles to delete the sources?
Hi @thiagomouro,
Once you run the reset entitlements API, the entitlements and the access profiles tied to the source will be removed.
You should then be able to delete the source.
amazing information, because all the time I need to find access profile inside applications in request center, roles, and disabled access profiles for delete a source, then you solved my problem, thanks.
Hi dear, how have you been? I tested again in a new sources to delete…I executed these apis, but when I tried to delete, I can’t success because dependencies in active Access profiles, roles, in apps and segments. I deleted the app, but the same result, we can’t delete the source because you have active access profiles you need to disable and delete, in adiction, remove in roles and segments. Do you know other form to automate this task?
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