Identity Attributes Change Events

Hi Team,

We have a use-case wherein we would like to get the events or account activity of identity attributes change.

Currently, using search feature we can find the events of attribute sync to end target systems. Similarly, we would like to get the events of identity attribute changes. Additionally, we would like to inform you that event triggers is not a feasible solution for our tenant. Therefore, is there any possibility to get the identity attribute changes from search instead of transforms and event triggers.

Thank you.

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Hi Developers !!

This would be a really cool feature to have in search.

Would be really good to know if there is any way to collect this information, usually we have customers request to generate a report from users that have some specific attribute change.

Agreed. The “Access history” gathers this type of information (among others) for a targetted identity, but a report across all identities and allowing targetting by specific attribute and date range is needed.