Identity Attribute in DN for Open LDAP connector

Hi All,

Is it possible to use Identity Attribute for DN in create profile for LDAP connector?

I want to move the OU from Active to Terminated but LDAP doesn’t support Update policies, so i am trying via attribute sync it is possible to use identity attribute? Can we use attribute Sync for DN? I have the before provisioning rule as last choice.

I have tried the identity attribute in DN but it shows as Invalid path error. Below is the transform i have used for the identity attribute, whether it is correct or am i missing something?

Any idea how to achieve this? Thanks in advance.

Shantha Kumar

Dear Kumar,

You can use disable provisoning policy have you tried it?

Best Regards,

@Sivakrishna1993 OpenLDAP only supports create policy so other than that its not support any other provisioning policies.

Dear Kumar,

While you are creating account in LDAP from SailPoint how you are passing dn value in the povisioning policy.
Are you using Generator/Identity attribute?

Best Regards,

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During creation I have used generator, but I am trying to update the dn value through attribute sync so trying to use the identity attribute (Directory OU) for Dn in Create profile.


Thank you for update.

Better to write before provisioning rule.

And regarding to disable provisioning policy I did not find any information is it support or not but I suggest you try disable provisioning policy.

Can you share doc where it saying not support?


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@Sivakrishna1993 I have tried the update, enable and disable policies to test whether these functions has allowing for OpenLDAP but its not allowing during modify operation in IDN.
Also in the connector guide they haven’t mention what are the provisioning operation it supports they have mention like *provisioning accounts :man_shrugging:

Supported Features

But if you see the LDAP connector guide they have mentioned like this :

Supported Features

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