I want to create Table in form

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Version 8.3

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Hi All,

I want to create dynamic table in form. I am using the below code but it is not working.

 String mainStr = "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\" width=\"100%\" style=\"word-break:break-all;\">\n" +
                "  <tr>\n" +
                "  <th>FirstName</th>\n"+
                "  <th>LastName</th>\n"+
                "  <th>Email</th>\n"+
                "  <th>NQNumber</th>\n" +
                "  <th>Entitlement</th>\n" +
                "  </tr>\n";

Form Error has been attached.

add the contentIsEscaped to true in the field where you adding the hlml, this introduced in 8.3

          <entry key="contentIsEscaped" value="true"/>

Refer the below documentation containing form examples for reference:

As @HemantSingh suggested contentIsEscaped should fix your issue, did you try that?

Refer to this document, it contains custom form documentation from SailPoint.

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