I need to reset a source API?

The old reset API that I used is not working anymore. It is the one hosted at ~/api/source/reset/{id}.

Hello @rkundioptiv
Welcome to the community
I’m successfully using the endpoint {{api-url}}/cc/api/source/reset/{id}

Thanks. I figured it out, I think, :). The source owner was not me, so when I used my PAT or my session it was just not letting me reset the source.


is this API version got deprecated? I’m not able to reset source, It gives me 403 forbidden error.


Hi @chandramohan2706
Did you generate your PAT recently?
You need to assign a scope that has enough right to do so.

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Could you please share steps to assign a scope with the rights to reset the source.


I see it is already having all rights. let me try with my new PAT



Thankyou, source reset worked after taking new PAT.

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