I have a problem when generating the bearer token to connect through Web Service connector with SSFF
I have an SSFF web services connector, with a rule with which we extract the bearer token and connect to SSFF, the connector works correctly, but we cloned it to make a change of credentials that the client requested and now it fails, being that it is exactly the same as the previous one and the previous one continues working, the only different thing is the user and its private key, we could not find any error.
Is your cloned source in the same tenant? If yes, check if the rule you used to extract bearer token is attached to the new cloned source as well. I am assuming this is a Web Services Before Operation Rule.
If you have confirmed that the rule is attached properly and you still see the issue, check if the credentials work when you test them outside of ISC, like through an API testing tool like Postman. If it works there too, then maybe you’ll have to try setting up the clone manually to confirm if there was an unintended corruption of the cloned source during the process. I’d start by just deleting the test connection, saving the source (clone) and reconfiguring the test connection on the UI.
Hi Sushant,
Thank you for your response and recommendations. I am part of the team experiencing this issue.
To provide more context:
- The source is indeed cloned.
- We have verified that the rule executes successfully, as confirmed by reviewing the logs on the VA’s.
- We also tested the credentials in Postman and received a correct response.
- We tested using the original connector’s credentials on the cloned connector, and it worked correctly.
Following your suggestion, we will proceed to create the connector from scratch to determine if this resolves the issue. Once we have results, we will update this thread to share our findings.
Let me know if there’s anything else you’d recommend trying or any additional details you need.