How to skip Client ID validation in Webservices Connector

Hello All,
We have configured a webservices connector with below:
Authentication : Oauth2.0
Grant Type: JWT
Token URL: ___
Private Key : ____
Private Key Pwd: ____

But, whenever we go for test connection, error shows as :
Unable to generate access token. A client_id must be provided in the request.

We do have a client id but not client secret. How can we configure the same?

This is for Okta CIAM via Webservices.


Hi @pritishmhrn,

in your case, you must autenticate for generate the token. In this case you must to make a previus call for get token and later every operation.

You can do this in before operation rule, where you can call the token endpoint, building the call with client ID and client secret.
Other case, it could be JWT is not the correct configuration.

Do you have try in postman?

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