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I need to pull in all the groups that are in a specific OU in AD and all the members that are in the groups. I have about 10 groups in the AUT OU, AUT OU is in the Groups OU. I only need the users that are in those 10 groups to be pulling in and those 10 groups will be marked as entitlements. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong since I can’t get the users that are in those 10 groups to be pulling in. Please help.
I made the change, hopefully it’s correct now. I can get all the “objects” (groups) to show up but I also need to get the users that are in the objects. the OU only contains groups (objects) What would I apply to the idap filter? hope this makes sense.
I don’t think your approach will work. You cannot map the group OU under the User search DN and bring in the users (Assuming that the users exist in a separate OU).
It only works the other way around. You can map the user OU and the AD groups which the users are part of, will come into ISC automatically.
Is there a way to filter for only specific AD groups.? I don’t think so, as all the groups that the users are members of will automatically come in as part of the aggregation.