How to get the Group ID in a Workflow

Hi All,

I am using a workflow with Access Request Decision trigger. Is it possible to be able to pull the group id of the entitlement in the access profile that was being requested?

For example I requested for Access Profile A and inside that, there is Entitlement B which has the group ID: cb13e

Hi @jasmedina,

You can make an HTTP call, something like below : eq "{{accessprofilename}}"

Then get the entitlement ID with $.hTTPRequest.body[*].entitlements[0].id in the subsequent steps

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Hi @jesvin90! Is the {{accessprofilename}} in that API call dynamic and will it based on the access profile name in the access request?

Thank you!

You will need to get the access profile name from the event trigger. Try something as below or add required filters.


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Hi @jesvin90 tried to define it in a variable so I could concatenate the access profile ID but I am getting this error:

Hi @jasmedina,

This needs to be an HTTP action, calling the IDN API.

There will be separate HTTP Action present to do API calls, You can use that and get the Access profile JSON, and below the HTTP you can use Define Variable to get the id using filters.

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