Hi @prashanthrns & @Anshu_Kunal,
let me explain my problem statement in detailed way.
PFA, for the Account schema.
We have the entitlement types too. PFA, on the same.
In the JDBC Provisioning Rule there is a stored procedure which is used to grant and revoke the entitlements.
reference of the stored procedure is here:
"call PROV (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
cs.setString ( 1, "D"); //Grant or revoke attribute
cs.setString ( 2, account_name); // unique ID
cs.setString ( 3, ent_type); // It cannot be null. ENTITlEMENT_TYPE which is present in account schema.
cs.setString ( 4, entName); //RESOURCE_ID from account schema
cs.setString ( 5, action_ID); // ACTION_ID from account schema
cs.setString ( 6, ""); // Null
cs.registerOutParameter(7, Types.VARCHAR); // INOUT pararmeter which consists of Success or failure.
After performing the access request it was failed in the provisioning step. PFA, on the same.
In the logs I can see âENTITlEMENT_TYPEâ & âACTION_IDâ is populated as null and these parameters defined below.
String account_name = getAttributeRequestValue(account,"ACCOUNT_NAME");
String ent_type = getAttributeRequestValue(account,"ENTITLEMENT_TYPE");
String resource_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "RESOURCE_ID");
String action_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "ACTION_ID");
Please let me know how can I resolve this error âjava.sql.SQLException: The number of parameter values set or registered does not match the number of parameters.â
Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L