How to fetch the entitlement attributes in JDBC Provisioning Rule

Hi Everyone,

How to fetch the entitlement attributes in JDBC Provisioning Rule.
Apart from the entitlement ID and entitlement Name from the below image.

Below is the attachment for the reference.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Can you pls provide more details ? Do you want to fetch the entitlement schema attributes or the Entitlement (ManagedAttribute) attribute values ?

Please try below method that is available in IdnRuleUtil


Hi @prashanthrns & @Anshu_Kunal,

let me explain my problem statement in detailed way.
PFA, for the Account schema.

We have the entitlement types too. PFA, on the same.


In the JDBC Provisioning Rule there is a stored procedure which is used to grant and revoke the entitlements.
reference of the stored procedure is here:

"call PROV (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
cs.setString ( 1, "D");  //Grant or revoke attribute
cs.setString ( 2, account_name); // unique ID
cs.setString ( 3, ent_type); // It cannot be null. ENTITlEMENT_TYPE which is present in account schema.
cs.setString ( 4, entName); //RESOURCE_ID from account schema
cs.setString ( 5, action_ID); // ACTION_ID from account schema
cs.setString ( 6, ""); // Null
cs.registerOutParameter(7, Types.VARCHAR); // INOUT pararmeter which consists of Success or failure.

After performing the access request it was failed in the provisioning step. PFA, on the same.

In the logs I can see “ENTITlEMENT_TYPE” & “ACTION_ID” is populated as null and these parameters defined below.

String account_name = getAttributeRequestValue(account,"ACCOUNT_NAME");
String ent_type = getAttributeRequestValue(account,"ENTITLEMENT_TYPE");
String resource_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "RESOURCE_ID");
String action_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "ACTION_ID");

Please let me know how can I resolve this error “java.sql.SQLException: The number of parameter values set or registered does not match the number of parameters.”

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Hi @sai_krishna_L ,

One error i can see is that, here you are setting the string as “resource_id”.
String resource_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "RESOURCE_ID");

But in your set string code, you are trying to set it with entName which is not defined
cs.setString ( 4, entName);

Please correct it as cs.setString ( 4, resource_ID);


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Hi @mohammedfavazhrb,

RESOURCE_ID is multivalued so I didn’t mention the entire code here, as i have defined an array and i am passing the same in the set string method…

These two attributes will not be available as part of provisioning plan and you would be able to get it by using ‘getAttributeRequestValue’ method.


Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

Please find the below code which I have already used.

String ent_type = getAttributeRequestValue(account,"ENTITLEMENT_TYPE");
String action_ID = getAttributeRequestValue(account, "ACTION_ID");

Thanks Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Sorry @sai_krishna_L, small correction in my previous reply

Correction: These two attributes will not be available as part of provisioning plan and you would not be able to get it by using ‘getAttributeRequestValue’ method.

Provisioning plan object will only have value (Entitlement value) and name (Entitlement name) which you can retrieve using getAttributeRequestValue method in the rule.

Possible 2 options:

  1. Use getManagedAttributeDetails method available via IdnRuleUtil (cloud rules only) and retrieve the required attributes using the entitlement value/name which is already available in the provisioning plan object.
  2. Directly query the entitlement table and get those required column via standard java JDBC connection method.


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Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

Could you please let me know where I can fetch this ManagedAttributeDetails object file for my source entitlements so that I can refer the attributes to be fetched.

Thanks Regards,
Sai Krishna L

Hi @sai_krishna_L
Please check the attribute you are providing it should be same as in store procedure list.
Check the column you have give should be same in provisioning plan.

Thank you!


Below method is only available for cloud rule so you would not be able to use this in JDBC provisioning rule (connector rule).

Would suggest to try directly getting those values from DB.


Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

Thanks for your response,

I will incorporate the query and check it.
But while I am trying to execute the stored procedure in the DB2 Database the am receiving the below error:
java.sql.SQLException: Data type mismatch. (For input string: “SQL0204 SQLSTATE42704 DRPGSCP in HLDE40 type *FILE not found.”)

Any idea how to resolve this issue.

Kind Regards,
Sai krishna L


Are you able to run the stored procedure directly on DB?

You might have to reach out to your application DB team.

This part of the message specifies that the database object DRPGSCP in the schema 'HLDE40' of type '*FILE' (which typically refers to a table or a physical file in some database systems) was not found.


Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

Yes I did reach out with Application DB team, they did execute the SP manually with my integration account and it got success from there end.
Is there anything which I am missing here in the rule?

Kind Regards,
Sai Krishna L


Is this stored procedure for provisioning request? How are you passing the values to stored procedure? What format?


Hi @Anshu_Kunal,

Yes the SP is for the provisioning request. Below is the call information

CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("call PROV (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
 cs.setString ( 1, String.valueOf('I'));  //Grant or revoke attribute
cs.setString ( 2, account_name); // unique ID
cs.setString ( 3, "OFFICE-CODE"); // It cannot be null. ENTITlEMENT_TYPE which is present in account schema.As of now it's hard coded.
cs.setString ( 4, entName); //RESOURCE_ID from account schema. ent value
cs.setString ( 5, "P"); // ACTION_ID from account schema
cs.setNull ( 6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); // Null. As of now it's hard coded.
cs.setString ( 7, "ABC");
cs.registerOutParameter(7, Types.VARCHAR); // INOUT pararmeter which consists of Success or failure.
cs.executeUpdate(); // I have tried cs.execute(); as well.

I have tried multiple ways with hard coded values, but I am receiving error.

SP definition and the sample call statement:

call PROV('I','UserId','OFFICE-CODE','TWAN','A','',?)


(In Action Char(1),           
	    UserId char(10),          
	    Type Varchar(13),         
	    Option Varchar(10),       
	    Authority Char(1),        
	    Deprovision Varchar(12),  
InOut Rtn VarChar (200))     

Kind Regards,
Sai krishna L

Might have debug more by increasing the log level.

Can you try sql query as below?

String sql = "{CALL HLDE40.PROV(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}";  


Hi @sai_krishna_L ,

I see that you used the same index 7 for twice.

cs.setString ( 7, "ABC");
cs.registerOutParameter(7, Types.VARCHAR); // INOUT pararmeter which consists of Success or failure.`

Have the registerOutParameter as 8th one(cs.registerOutParameter(8, Types.VARCHAR)) as 7 indexes are used to fill in the variables.

Uday Kilambi

Hi @uday_kilambiCTS,

As the last parameter is an INOUT, so I have used same index 7, even the call definition has 6 input parameters and one INOUT parameter.

Kind regards,
Sai Krishna L