How to download 25K users data for AD accounts

Hi @Aakansha_Sahu,

Take a look at the below post :

You can also run PowerShell queries from the IQServer to get the account details directly from AD by making use of the same filters used in the AD connector (recommended only if you are just trying to get the AD account details and not trying to validate something in IDN) :

Below is a sample PS script :

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$ExportPath = 'C:\userlist.csv'
Get-ADUser -SearchBase 'DC=ABC,DC=XYZ,DC=com' -Filter {(objectClass -eq 'user') -and (sAMAccountName '*')} -properties *| Select-object DistinguishedName,Name,UserPrincipalName | Export-Csv -NoType $ExportPath

You can also run a search query to get all users in the AD source


And then try an Excel vlookup on the previous data to map Accounts to Identities.

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