How to do SailPoint IIQ Patching and eFixes

Hi All,

I would like to give some information about how to do patching and efix for IIQ.

IdentityIQ Patching:

Patch: A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or software, or its supporting data designed to update, fix, or remove it. Patches are usually called bugfixes and improve the usability or performance.


My current version is 8.3:

  1. First, we have to get the patch file from the SailPoint compass ( Suppose I am doing a patch for 8.3, i.e., 8.3p4.

  1. Make a folder on your computer drive, anywhere (/Users/bkuruva/Desktop/Ptaching). And copy the software that you downloaded called identityiq-8.3p4.jar and our identityiq.war (which is present in our web application: /Users/bkuruva/Desktop/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.78/webapps/identityiq/identityiq.war).

  2. Stop the services

  3. Here, we have to execute two commands, as follows:
    a. jar xf identityiq-8.3p4.jar
    Then you will get the identityiq-8.3p4.jar file and some other related files from the patch.

b. jar uf identityiq.war *

Now, the file (identityiq.war) has been updated with whatever new features or bugs are resolved in the patch.

  1. Take (copy) the identityiq.war file and put it in the web apps (the previous one should be deleted; make sure to back up the folder/database before. deleting it).

    1. Now, extract or unjar the IdentityIQ patch in the IdentityIQ installation directory by using the following command:
      a. jar -xvf identityiq.war

Then, you will get all the web application folders.

Now, update the database for the IIQ using the Database client. Update the database tables or schema using the script as follows: Using a database client, execute the upgrade_identityiq_tables-8.3p4 DDL script in WEB-INF/database that is appropriate for your database type.

You will get upgrade_identityiq_tables-8.3p4 DDL script from database folder of IIQ as below.

  1. Run database scripts. To do this, first connect to database client.
    a. source upgrade_identityiq_tables-8.3p4.mysql

    Here, I have used the MySQL workbench application to execute the scripts. You can directly execute the source command prompt.
    Now, the database tables are updated.

  2. Apply the patch by using a command-line interface to execute the command (execute command from bin folder).
    a. iiq patch 8.3p4 (for mac OS: sh iiq patch 8.3p4)

    Now, output will come like this below.

  3. Now, start the services and check it.

Login to SailPoint.

For more information:,identityiq-8.3p4-README.txt,-8.3p4%20Connector%20and

IdentityIQ eFixes:

eFix: If we face any critical vulnerabilities in the current releases of IdentityIQ, SailPoint will release a security fix to address them.

My current version is 8.3p4:

  1. Download the e-fix file for the version of IdentityIQ you use. You can find them here:

    I am applying IIQSR-867.

  2. After you download, you just extract the folder, and then you will see the WEB-INF folder. Under that, you will find one efixes folder. Just copy the folder and put it in our IIQ WEB-INF folder.

    Copy the above efixes folder to our SailPoint IIQ WEB-INF.

  3. Restart server instance and check the eFix from about page.

For more information:


A little non-standard, seems you are relying on a container that wipes out the application and re-deploys from the war file every time you start the system? JBoss does that. Not needed with Tomcat. If this kind of container is absolutely needed, you might consider using the SSB instead to build the war file, so you aren’t modifying the OOTB version of the identityiq.war file. The downside of these wipe-deploy-run containers is that they lose any log4j changes you make. The SSB allows you to save all of the file system changes.