Im trying to build out an automation to Create an AD group and a workgroup as approvers for the said AD group via SCIM API endpoint, /LaunchedWorkflows. not sure if there is an existing workflow like LCM provisioning that I could leverage to do that. If so, what would the provisioning plan look like for something like this?
thank you!
(dheeraj kumar)
September 20, 2023, 2:10am
Hi @maikenapuadanc ,
You can use “Entitlement Update” workflow to create group in Active Directory.
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Hi Dheeraj,
For Entitlement Update workflow, a plan is needed. what would the typical plan look like for creating Active directory groups?
Something like this,
<entry key="requester" value="spadmin"/>
<entry key="source" value="UI"/>
<AttributeRequest name="sAMAccountName" op="Set" value="eCompensation-xxxx"/>
<AttributeRequest name="distinguishedName" op="Set" value="CN=eCompensation-XXXX,OU=Groups,DC=value,DC=value2,DC=testdomain,DC=com"/>
<AttributeRequest name="description" op="Set" value="Application used for Testging"/>
I tried it this way using the SCIM API call for LaunchedWorkflow endpoint.
does this look right? I tried it but it just produced a taskresult and the entitlement was not created
(dheeraj kumar)
October 24, 2023, 2:47am
Hi @maikenapuadanc ,
This looks correct, basically for entitlement update there is objectRequest added in provisioning plan except account request.
December 23, 2023, 2:47am
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