How to become an Indentity Now Professional Certified?

share your tips, advice and recommendations pls

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Hi @ddrodiano,

Welcome to SailPoint developer community.

You can explore below link.


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Hey Dennis, welcome to the community! I think you’ll find some helpful comments in this similar/previous discussion:

In particular, this comment from @Bakhari:

Also, this comment from @brennenscott is fantastic:

Hi @ddrodiano, I was certified as an Identity Now Professional last year. My preparation was fully based on the documentation offered by the Sailpoint developer community. Just read the documentation thoroughly. You can go through the documentation of Authentication and Authorization given in the Sailpoint developer community.

Other than that be familiar with topics like Rest APIs and Transforms.

I also learned the VA guide posted in the compass community to get knowledge about VA in sailpoint. If you have access to the IdentityNow Essentials courses in Identity university, I would recommend you to take up that course too.

This is how my preparation was, Hope this response would be useful to you.

This is the link of the documentation offered by sailpoint:
Sailpoint Documentation

This is the link for VA trouble shooting guide for gaining knowledge on VA:
VA Troubleshooting guide

These are the links of documentation of Authentication and Authorization in Sailpoint developer community:

All the best for your certification!