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I need to create a report which contain this mentioned information inside report. Which report I need to make custom or having any OOTB report.
req ID
Reqsted BY
Requested for
Appln name
application role/ENT name
reqest date
approved by
approved date
beneficiary cost center()(identity Attribute)
beneficiary emlpoyee type(identity Attribute)
request status
reqest completion datec
reports is a complex part of SP and first of all I suggest to you to read the documentation:
So, Lifecycle Events Status Report is a template which one you can generate and save your report.
Basically for add a column, you need to create a new ReportColumnConfig with a unique name in field(this is the name of the object into the report) and in property the name of the object in IIQ.
In this case you have as datasource the IdentityRequestItem object, and you can use all the attribute of this kind of object.
You can add a new column with a script and there you serache the identity and return the attribute that you need, something like the script for chart.
Via Adv analytics you can get all the below columns via the Access Requests type (Access Request ID, Completeion date, completion status, Priority, Request Date, Requestee, Requester, Request type, state
however you wont be able to get identity attributes for that you have to create custom report.
Refer Access Request Status Report, Identity Request status reports as a reference and create a custom report.