I am getting a group Aggregation failure with the below error.
2024-12-17T17:17:25,502 ERROR QuartzScheduler_Worker-5 sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector:3184 - ConnectorException in getNext method
sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Index value for [GUID] on new object was null.
[GUID] is the identity Attribute for account
The Account aggregation is working but not sure why getting this error for Group Aggregation
I am running both the tasks using API
probabily you have a record with null value on guid or with spaces. You can resolve adding a where condition guid is not null on query or, better, change the identity attribute.
I checked the object from the application in the customization rule but there is no space or null value
So the problem is I am using Application Builder to configure the application from scratch and using the rule to add correlation and to add tasks for account and group and initiate them
When I run this altogether, I get the error
But if I create the application and just update the application with any change (for example adding a rule using UI) and then run the other rule to run the account and group aggregation, its working with no issue
Maybe on the process that you use on scratch some configurations are missing. Check difference between the application that you have created from scratch and the application that you have created into IIQ and fix the process