Getting IQService Error while executing powershell script for create Remote Mail Box - After script returned non zero exit code : 1

SailPoint IIQ 8.4
Iqserivce is isntalled in webapps/identityiq/iqservice

Once AD account is created, then I am calling Remote Mailbox PowerShell script which is added in a rule.
IQservice throw below error while executing at this point:
RpcResponse response=service.execute(request);
Error –
2024-08-27T20:39:06,368 DEBUG QuartzScheduler_Worker-2 sailpoint.connector.RPCService:708 - Parsing the response. Returned buffer: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

After script returned non zero exit code : 1 :

2024-08-27T20:39:06,373 ERROR QuartzScheduler_Worker-2 org.apache.bsf.BSFManager:451 - Exception: null
Caused by: org.apache.bsf.BSFException: The application script threw an exception: Errors returned from IQService. After script returned non zero exit code : 1 : BSF info: Trigger Exchange at line: 0 column: columnNo
at bsh.util.BeanShellBSFEngine.eval( ~[bsh-2.1.8.jar:2.1.8 2018-10-02 08:36:04]

$logmessage="This is a test message for the PowerShell create log file"
$logmessage >> $logfilepath
Add-type -path utils.dll
# Read the environment variables
$sReader = New-Object System.IO.StringReader([System.String]$env:Request);
$sResult = New-Object System.IO.StringReader[System.String]$env:Result);
# Form the xml reader objects
$xmlReader = [System.xml.XmlTextReader]([sailpoint.utils.xml.XmlUtil]::getReader($sReader));
$xmlReader_Result =[System.xml.XmlTextReader]([sailpoint.utils.xml.XmlUtil]::getReader($sResult));
# Create SailPoint objects
log.error ("Entering native rule");
$requestObject = New-Object sailpoint.utils.objects.AccountRequest($xmlReader);
$resultObject = New-Object sailpoint.utils.objects.ServiceResult($xmlReader_Result);
#Check if the Request was processed successfully
if($resultObject.Errors.count -eq 0){
	foreach ($attribute in $requestObject.AttributeRequests)
		if($attribute.Name -eq "sAMAccountName")
			$username = $attribute.Value;
			$logmessage = $username
					$logmessage >> $logfilepath
		if($attribute.Name -eq "UserCredential")
			$UserCredential = $attribute.Value
					$logmessage = $UserCredential
					$logmessage >> $logfilepath
		if($attribute.Name -eq "email")
			$email = $attribute.Value
					$logmessage = $email
					$logmessage >> $logfilepath
try {
$AccountName = $username
$AdminUsername = 'domain\user'
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $UserCredential -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($AdminUsername,$password)
$M365Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Authentication Kerberos -Credential $credential
Import-PSSession $M365Session
Enable-RemoteMailbox -Identity $AccountName -RemoteRoutingAddress $remotemailaddress
Enable-RemoteMailbox $AccountName -Archive
Set-RemoteMailbox -Identity $AccountName -emailaddresspolicyenabled $false
Remove-PSSession $M365Session
catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]#PSRemotingTransportException
	$logmessage = "Found Error in connectivity"
			$logmessage >> $logfilepath
 finally {
  $resultObject.toxml() | out-file $args[0];


Is this rule configured as Native Rule in your AD application and you dont have the reference anywhere else, can you confirm, also can you please share complete Rule xml

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