Getting Error while Triggering Api via Postaman

Hi Everyone, I am getting below error while triggering my API request via Postman

Please note that I have already add the environment variables, properly client id, and secret. I don’t see any Authentication request as they mentioned under V3 set. Kindly help to fix.

i think the environment is not marked as “Active”. In order to do that,

  • Navigate to Environments on the left hand sidebard.
  • Next, There you will be able to see a environment, hover over it, and there will be a check mark symbol click on that to make it as active environment.
  • Alternatively, you can right click on env, and set as active. that should do the job

Hi @LearningStar,

Please take new tab and use the particular API. it will work.

Thank you!

Its active, pointing to correct workspace

can you also check that the variable name is correct for accessToken as well or the baseUrl is pointing to the correct URL?

Yes both are correct and pointing to correct one, I am not able to understand why Authentication collection is missing, How it is calculating the values of access token internally, /auth/token there is no need to trigger this api as I dont find anythi g at present

Hi @gagan02, accesstoken will be automatically added from parent if you have generated one.

Change the authentication type to bearer token and back to Inherit auth from parent and then save it and give a try. I suspect Its not able to parse the response body to get the token

Also, check if it’s the same use for Beta APIs as well

Check if the credential variables names are correct “clientSecret” and “clientId” and check them also in the pre-request script at the collection level

Hi @neeraj99 @Abhishek_1995 @JackSparrow @srezzaki ,

Thanks Everyone for your support , there was some issue with the collection variables it was not able to pick it up, Now its working fine, Thanks everyone!!

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