I’m getting error during Creation of AD below is the error .
Please find below error for ref.
Error generating a unique value, the exception was: java.lang.Exception: Unable to contact connector to generate unique value and is not retry-able. Action:UniqueAccountIdValidator: Calling getObject for objectType ‘account’ using id ‘CN=testfn102, testln10249 (sbs999952),ou=users,ou=TCS,ou=hospitals,ou=sb-departments,dc=XXX,dc=’ and options ‘{cloudConfigOverrides={aggregateTimeout=30, disablePooling=true, timeout=30}}’ on source ‘ActiveDirectorySecondarySource [source]’. Exception: sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Failed to find connection settings for the dc=xxx,dc=
maximum length of dn is 255 characters which doesn’t seem the case here. Have you masked the values dc=XXX,dc= ? If not then your code/config/transform has issue.
you might need to talk to your ad team to understand the feasibility of increasing the length , else you need to tweak you create profile / provisioning policy to provision values within permitted length