Get Role and Its Entitlements by SCIM API

Hi All,

Is there any way by which we can get the list of entitlements associated with role/bundle by using SCIM API?

As per my understanding, the Get Role API of SCIM gives details of role but it does not fetch the entitlements associated with roles.


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Hi Prasad - welcome to the community.

That believe that is correct - I don’t see the SCIM server returning information about the ‘profiles’ associated with a Role in the GET request.

I can see the benefit of having that information included in the SCIM response for Roles however - I suggest you submit an idea for this here:

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you can retrieve users with the associated roles, you can call like that:

it will list the users with the associated roles.

i hope it help

@adam_creaney, are there any plans to add this functionality to the API?

We are trying to build a web tool that allows for looking up a user, getting that user’s roles, and then viewing the entitlements that are contained in those roles.
