Get filtered Identity in dropdown field

Hi Everyone.
I am creating a form in which there is “Field 1” which is supposed to display identities in the dropdown. There is a condition in this that the field should show only the identities which have workertype as Employee. How can I achieve this in this form?

    <Field displayName="Enter" name="Field 1" required="true" type="sailpoint.object.Identity"/>

Hi @pctripathi,

Apply the filterString to get only workertype as employee. workertype should searchable attribute.

<Field displayName="Enter" name="Field 1"  filterString="workertype==&quot;Employee&quot;  required="true" type="sailpoint.object.Identity"/>


Hi @pctripathi,

<Field displayName="Field 1" filterString="type == &quot;employee&quot;" name="field1" type="sailpoint.object.Identity"/>

remember in filterString you can use only identity attribute and Searchable

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Hi @Arun-Kumar
It seems to be some syntax error there.

Hi @pctripathi,

"workertype=="Employee" both key and value are case sensitive. Check the attibute name in idenitty mapping.
Make sure workertype is a searchable attribute.



Thanks @Arun-Kumar

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