How can I retrieve entitlements associated with uncorrelated accounts using reports?
Hi @shruthi_m,
you can start with this and change for your necessity:
<TaskDefinition executor="sailpoint.reporting.LiveReportExecutor" name="Custom Report" progressMode="Percentage" resultAction="Rename" subType="Custom Reports" template="true" type="LiveReport">
<entry key="report">
<LiveReport title="Account Group Membership Report">
<DataSource type="Hql">
<Query> from Link l, IdentityEntitlement ie,ManagedAttribute ma,Identity identity left outer join identity.manager m
where ie.value = ma.value and = and = ma.attribute
and = and l.nativeIdentity = ie.nativeIdentity and = and identity.correlated = false
<Parameter defaultValue="Connected" property="ie.aggregationState" valueClass="sailpoint.object.IdentityEntitlement$AggregationState"/>
<Parameter defaultValue="true" property="ma.aggregated" valueClass="boolean"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="identity" header="Username" property="l" sortable="true" width="80">
import sailpoint.object.Link;
Link l = value;
return l.getIdentity().getName();
<ReportColumnConfig field="lastname" header="Lastname" property="identity.lastname" sortable="true" width="110"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="firstname" header="Firstname" property="identity.firstname" sortable="true" width="110"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="email" header="Email" property="" sortable="true" width="110"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="id-role" header="Role Code" property="ie.value" sortable="true" width="150"/>
<ReportColumnConfig field="desc-role" header="Name Role" property="ma.displayName" sortable="true" width="150"/>
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Hi @shruthi_m,
You can utilize OOTB report "Uncorrelated Accounts Report " and add one extra column with existing ones to get entitlement details.
<ReportColumnConfig field="EntitlementName" header="Entitlement Name" property="attributes.entitlement_name" sortable="true" width="110"/>
Let me know if further input is needed.
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