Hello Developers
I am configuring a web services connector to consume the methods of an API. I am having problems because for some methods it is necessary to first generate a token that changes from time to time.
I configured the connector with a custom authentication in the connection settings section and in the HTTP operations I put a Custom Authentication at the beginning where I indicate the URL where the token will be obtained. I pass as a header an Authorization with the value user:password encrypted in base64 that is saved in the variable $application.refresh_token$. However, when I perform an account aggregation it returns zero (0) accounts.
Running an aggregation but with a basic authorization only with user and password and placing the dynamic token (obtained through postman) in the header of the methods that need it, it does return accounts.
I would like to know if there is an alternative to leave the authentication type as Basic and obtain the token in some other way since with custom authentication it is not working.
I would appreciate any help.