Hey guys! Is there a way to retrieve all uncertified identities from a campaign? I need to identify users with incomplete certifications and disable their access, but I’m struggling to come up with a solution. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Can you not use the Campaign Signoff Report?
Or the Campaign Status Report might work better depending on how you have your certs set up.
i tried to use that but couldn’t get it by api to use in a workflow. In that workflow i need to know all the uncertified identities so i can block their accounts automatically
This got me all the certs in a campaign that were not signed.
GET {{api-url}}/v2024/certifications?filters=campaign.id eq {{campaign_id}} and not phase eq "SIGNED"
That would actually be very useful, thank you! But what if API response paging is necessary? Is there a way to handle that?
There is a loop functionality in the workflows and offset for the api if you wanted to call it multiple times in the workflow. Or if you triggered the workflow multiple times, it would eventually get through them all on the first page. I guess it would depend on how you trigger it.
I thought of using “campaign ended” trigger, so it would execute → everytime my campaign ends, gets the uncertified identities and disable their accounts
Is there a specific reason you’re not interested in using the campaign configuration option to revoke undecided access when setting up the certification campaign?
Yes, it’s a requirement to just block the uncertified identities and not revoke their access