Hello fellow developers!
I hope you all are doing great!
I have a question about identity attribute generation. So, our organization uses a special “code” every manager is assigned with. It is treated as an identity attribute. Currently, this code is assigned manually, using a spreadsheet of available codes (there is a constraint, no code can be reused, and codes should be < 89999).
So, code should be more than 0 and less than 89999 and never been used before. To know if the code has ever been used, the team uses the aforementioned spreadsheet.
So, process flow:
identity created → roles assigned → account in Application A (flat file source) is manually created → “code” (identity attribute) is populated.
So, this “code” identity attribute is sourced from Application A.
Initially, I started with creating a cloud rule, which essentially starts with code = 1 and check if accounts with code 1 exists in the Application A, if yes and it exists, then code++, check again, and we go on until we reach unique code.
The problem arises with the fact that accounts in Application A are deleted once the user is terminated, and Application A only has active users. There is no way to know if the “code” was used by a person who used to work here maybe 10-15 years ago (we cannot reuse the code). The only way to know is to look it up in the spreadsheet.
I need your help, maybe ideas and suggestions.