Fun with FIS IBS Web connector

Hey there IDN fokes,

Has anyone had the pleasure in being able to correctly connect to FIS IBS yet to provision user and roles though IDN web connector ?

been able to chain command and pull back 75 users out of 500 but then get hit with a api limit error on FIS size.

FIS code connect team is not very helpful and my engineer friends are a little stuck.

Let’s help make this a reality for all.

Do you mean you have been rate limited with a 429 response code? What are the details of the error? Usually rate limits will produce an error telling you how long you have to wait before trying again. If there is a retry time limit, you could try configuring the retry logic on the web service connector to wait the correct amount of time for a 429 error response code.

We are getting this error when we try to make the calls to FIS. Which we have been told is a limit.
I see where you are going though

Anyone have a simple After provision rule that i can filter out bad user profiles when making my second API call?

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