Form integrations with workflows

I am very new to workflows and trying to understand the integration with forms.

Question: How are forms to be implemented currently? Are they mostly used with an approval process? Or can someone kick off a provisioning use case that would present them a form?

I would like to be able to see where a provisioning request could initiate a workflow and the form for it.


Example would be allowing a manager to generate a new non-employee request form, that would then be able to generate a new account to populate to a NELM source, once it goes through it’s own approval process.

Or another example, HR has an emergency termination they need to process. Initiates a form tied to a workflow that will update an IDN value that will set a lifecycle state for the term. The form would have the option to set a legal hold flag or to remove all access, delete all accounts, or to only disable the account. Based on the options a lifecycle change would be applied based on the IDN values set. It would also initiate a process identity to help force the recognition of the new IDN values and set the lifecycle state.

My vision with forms is that a provisioning request could kick off a form and the associated workflow to handle edge cases

Hi @ts_fpatterson,

Currently, a form can only be triggered to be sent using a workflow. Additionally, a submitted form can be used to kick off another workflow using the inputs provided.

Currently, forms must be triggered by a workflow. This scenario might require a change in processes for it to be implemented in IdentityNow.

This could be implemented via a workflow by using the Identity Attributes changed trigger for the attribute ‘cloudLifecycleState’ to filter for a specific value.
The trigger for this workflow could be manually changing the identity’s lifecycle state to terminated (or any other custom LCS), using that to trigger a workflow containing the form and then proceeding with the remainder requirements.


I reached out to SailPoint about an enhancement where a form can be requested, filled out, and then it initiate a workflow. I believe this is possible now in the workflow as a new feature, but I don’t know how to have a user click on the form to request something, that would then kick off the workflow.

Example: A manager is able to request hardware, such as an iPad for their employees, however the manager only has certain number of iPads. The decision of who gets the iPad could vary; job code, cost center, department, location, etc just don’t define who the manager would give it to. We don’t want a form kicked off to each employee. How is this use case handled within IDN?

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