Enhancement: Fixed, Workflows JSONpath Issue, Array Brackets Always Present When Using Filters

When using the Manage Accounts node in conjunction with the Get List of Identities Search, it fails on arrays and single values returned in the search

This is jsonPath I am using to get the data from Get List Of Identities.

$.getListOfIdentities.identities[*].accounts[?(@.source.id == “2c9180867c5b60ac017c70c751a37076”)].id

It worked a few weeks ago when I first started developing this. Now it doesn’t seem work for either.

I keep getting values that are double wrapped in arrays when I look at the failure json.

Manage Accounts",“result”:{“failedAccounts”:[“[05878e8a7f824206abcb51d5058ad6d0]”,“[b5188cbe69b943b59dcf9c719968928d]”],“successfulAccounts”:null},“stepName”:“manageAccounts”,“task”:“sp:manage-account”}

My json path expression seems to be valid according to the evaluator.

Again, this all did work a few weeks ago.

Here is a picture of the workflow in question. It’s pretty straightforward. If an active Identity with an account from a particular source is in a disabled state, enable the account.