Find details about the Certification Template was used to create a Certification Campaign

When setting up Certifications, a Certification Template was used so that it could be scheduled. As one of the requirements for the certifications process, the Auditors would like to see the Query/Campaign Filter used for the Certification. I would like to automate this through a workflow when the Campaign is added, but I do not see a way to get from the Campaign back to the Certification Template that created it. The “Get Campaign By Id” only returns the ID and details of the Campaign itself. I know there is a report that should be able to pull it, however if you have a non-standard Campaign Filter, the report does not display it at all.

So does anyone know how to get from a Campaign, as shown here in the Campaign Generated trigger back to the Campaign Template so I can retrieve the details about the Query/filter used?

If it is a scheduled campaign, the name of the campaign and the campaign template usually are same. In that case we can utilize the http request action to call the below API utilizing the name of the campaign.

{{baseUrl}}/campaign-templates?limit=250&offset=0&count=true&filters=name eq “”

In case of a custom invoked campaign where the name is different, I don’t think this would work. Unfortunately, campaign template id is not provided as an output of Get Campaign id.

Uday Kilambi

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I will add that the name of the Template and the name of the campaign are different in this case, as the Campaign uses the date substitutions of %m-%y to add the Month and Year, along with a variation of the name do denote the difference.

This seems like this could be an issue for Auditing since there is not a way to get from the campaign back to the Campaign Template that created it, which has the configuration/Query/Filter information.

Did you try with the following two HTTP calls?

  1. List Campaigns - To get the campaign and parse body to fetch the filter and it’s ID

  2. Get Campaign Filter by ID - This should get you the filter details.

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I have looked at those. I can get the Campaign ID from the Campaign Generation or Activation Triggers for my workflow, so no need to do the Get Campaigns and sort through them. However, as mentioned above, the Get Campaign from ID does not return much data. Looking at the Get Campaign by ID Documentation, there are no parameters for it either to get more detail.

Agree to it. We need the campaign template id information such that the query can be extracted. I think we should put this to the ideas portal to include template id

So I did a little more digging into this, and noticed that the campaign in the Campaign Template had a lot more information in it, which was the information I was after (Campaign Type, Campaign Filter, etc.) I started looking at the List Campaigns endpoint again, thinking i may have missed something, and I found a Parameter called detail that was configured to “FULL”, but unchecked in the V3 Postman Collection. I checked it and ran the request and it actually returned the results I was looking for. I went back and reviewed the Developer Documentation for the List Campaigns call and I noticed that there was the following description for hte parameter:

For the detail parameter, the default is SLIM, so this is why we were not seeing everything.

I then switched over to the Get Campaign by ID document to see if I may have missed a similar parameter there, but according to the documentation, there are no parameters aside from ID for this call as shown here:

What I did notice though is that it used the same base endpoint at the List Campaigns. So of course the next thing I did was manually add the Query Parameter for detail on the Get a Campaign request in Postman:

And it turns out that it worked the same way it did in List Campaigns, and it returned all the details of the Campaign. So it looks like I have the solution that will work for what I need, even if undocumented currently.

I do believe having a way to get back to the Campaign Template would be helpful though. It probably is a good idea to submit to the Ideas Portal.

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