I am encountering an issue with the filterString functionality for the SAP HCM connector in ISC.
Specifically, I am trying to filter accounts based on two conditions:
1. “Has Multiple Contracts” is true (boolean).
2. “System user name (SY-UNAME)” is empty string.
The current filter I am using is as follows:
"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/filterString",
"value": "(Has Multiple Contracts == true && System user name (SY-UNAME).isEmpty())"
When this filter is applied, it does not work and throws an error during the aggregation. The issue seems to be related to the attribute “System user name (SY-UNAME)”, as removing this condition allows the filter to work correctly for “Has Multiple Contracts.” I suspect the problem might be due to the spaces or special characters (parentheses) in the attribute name.
Unfly, both of the options didn’t work out, btw, single condition Has Multiple Contracts == true works out. Issue is only with System user name (SY-UNAME)