Feature: AI-powered Application Onboarding!


:bangbang: We are excited to introduce SailPoint’s AI-driven application onboarding solution! This new release accelerates and scales the onboarding process, enabling you to discover, connect, configure, and manage access to any enterprise application with ease!

SailPoint application onboarding now leverages AI to accelerate and scale the process of onboarding customer applications, enabling customers to extend visibility and control over identity and access across their vast application landscape to easily discover and connect, configure, and manage access to any enterprise application

What is the Problem?

Application onboarding is key to a solid security posture, but it is a lengthy, mostly manual, and costly process that often results in stunted implementations, long delays, and lost productivity.

Application owners understand the applications, but not how to govern access to them. It’s also a challenge for administrators to map accounts to identities and understand their access to a particular application, such as the right level for their role, or if access is over-privileged. All these issues require time and research, which can stall identity security program momentum.

The result is that organizations spend a lot of time trying to discover and configure ungoverned applications and less time reaping the benefits of identity security – and that is a frustrating and expensive prerequisite to realizing value.

What is the Solution?

SailPoint application onboarding is a lifecycle management capability for enterprise applications that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to easily discover and connect, configure and manage access to ungoverned applications.

This release focusses on two aspects:

1. Discovering ungoverned applications

Enterprise application deployments are constantly changing and it’s a challenge to ensure governance for every application. SailPoint application onboarding:

  • Gives organizations the option to use existing SSO systems like Okta, configuration management databases, or similar systems to find ungoverned applications

  • Continuously identifies high-value apps and automates the identification
    and prioritization of newly deployed apps

  • Delivers AI-driven recommendations so organizations can easily select and deploy the most effective connector or integration

2. Automated, AI-powered account correlation

Uncorrelated accounts can’t be governed, and lack of access consistency across applications breeds security risks. SailPoint application onboarding solves this problem with:

  • Automated, AI-powered account recommendations and rules so organizations can easily map users’ identities to the application accounts they can access.

  • Ability to test and verify correlation rules as each application is brought under governance and before deploying configurations

  • Ongoing recommendations to further improve correlation outcomes

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