Export Custom Columns in Certifications

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Version 8.2

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I am looking to export the column “Manager” within a certification. Currently it is not part of the

entry key=“uiCertificationExportColumns”>

in the UIConfig, but im unsure how to configure it.
Does anyone have any experience exporting custom columns?

I think you can write a script under the column config for the entry key uiCertificationExportColumns , you have the certification entity which can be used to get the certification object and the certifier. I haven’t tried it myself so can’t say for sure if this would work

You need to write the java code and also need to modify the required certification export column .

I have implemented this recently , below are the details

package com.vkejriwal.iga.certification.ui;

import sailpoint.object.Identity;
import sailpoint.tools.GeneralException;
import sailpoint.tools.Util;
import sailpoint.web.view.certification.CertificationItemColumn;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class UserManagerColumnEvaluator extends CertificationItemColumn {

    private static final String COL_IDENTITY_ID = "Identity.id";
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("vkejriwal.evaluator.UserManagerColumnEvaluator");

    public Object getValue(Map<String, Object> row) throws GeneralException {
        String identityId = (String) row.get(COL_IDENTITY_ID);
        if (Util.isNotNullOrEmpty(identityId)) {
            Identity identity = this.getSailPointContext().getObjectById(Identity.class, identityId);
            if (null != identity && null != identity.getManager()) {
                return identity.getManager().getDisplayName();
        return null;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE sailpoint PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
	<ImportAction name="merge">
		<UIConfig name="UIConfig">
					<entry key="uiCertificationExportColumns">
								<ColumnConfig dataIndex="Identity-ManagerDisplayName" 
								groupProperty="Identity.id" headerKey="Manager DisplayName" 
								hideable="true" property="Identity.id" sortProperty="Identity.id" 
					<entry key="uiDataOwnerCertificationExportColumns">
								<ColumnConfig dataIndex="Identity-ManagerDisplayName" 
								groupProperty="Identity.id" headerKey="Manager DisplayName" 
								hideable="true" property="Identity.id" sortProperty="Identity.id" 

Does the first portion of the code just go into the UIConfig as well?

one is java code , need to create a jar file and other one is UI config changes .

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If using the SSB or SSD the Java code is easily added to the src folder and it will be compiled, packaged and deployed ‘automatically’.

Please open a new topic in this forum for additional query regarding adding Java code to your IIQ deployment as the question for this topic is already answered :slight_smile:

– Remold

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