Excluding Birthright access from Certifications

We have a requirement where we want to certify accesses by excluding all the birthright accesses for users. Can anyone help me out in this?

Hi @piyushdiwani,

I think When setting up the certification campaign, use search queries to exclude birthright roles. It may work.
Thank You!

Hi @piyushdiwani ,
Greetings of the Day!

Please check the below document

Thank You
Mahesh M

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@piyushdiwani you can tag all the birth right roles and enttilements and later you can use NOT tags:“” to filter them in your certification


I guess you have a setup where you have a single role used for both birthright and manual request.
In that case I believe there is no out of the box solution to filter out all the identities having the role by birth right and doing the certification only for manually requested.

I created a similar topic a few month ago.

My solution was to start a certification on both birth right and manually requested and then have a workflow that is bulk approving the access that were granted by birth right using the “revocable” attribute.

There is an idea that you can vote for here.
