Exclude Single Plugin from Build

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Version 8.3

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How can we exclude single plugin folder from the build.

We want to exclude a plugin lib folder from the build due to some dependencies as our build fails while looking for classes that does not exist under iiq root lib folder. We are not adding the plugin lib jars under root iiq lib due to version mismatch.

Hi @cgogu ,

Welcome to the Sailpoint community.

Are you adding any of your Java classes to this plugin?
if not you can remove the lib folder from your plugin and all the elements that contain lib in your build.xml

Hi @cgogu,

Welcome to our community.

As Hardik already mentioned, you need to look in the build.plugins.xml file (folder scriptsof SSB/SSD). Look for:

    <foreach inheritall="true" target="buildPlugin" param="pluginHomeDir">   
        <dirset dir="${pluginSrc}" includes="*"/>

Here you can add an exclusion by skipping a directory.

    <foreach inheritall="true" target="buildPlugin" param="pluginHomeDir">
            <dirset dir="${pluginSrc}" includes="*"/>
        <!-- Exclude the directory you want to skip -->
            <property name="directoryToExclude" value="path/to/exclude"/>
            <condition property="skipDirectory">
                <equals arg1="${pluginHomeDir}" arg2="${directoryToExclude}"/>
            <antcall target="buildPlugin" inheritall="true">
                <param name="pluginHomeDir" value="${pluginHomeDir}" if:false="skipDirectory"/>

Replace "path/to/exclude" with the path of the directory you want to exclude from being processed. This modification will skip calling the buildPlugin target for the excluded directory while processing others.

(I used ChatGPT to get the ant-code to skip the directory to Exclude, as my ‘ant’ is a bit rusty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

I hope this is what you are looking for :slight_smile:

– Remold