Event triggering multiple times

Hi all,

I have triggered one life cycle event by running the refresh identity task but event is running multiple times, there are multiple events happened for that user if we see in the event tab in identity cube

Source : LCM Scheduler

Please suggest on this

@sureshbomm it seems your workflow also trying to refresh the identity , so this is one of the reason multiple event will trigger.
Please add wait=“-1” on start step of the worklfow so it will wait for performance mainatnce task and you can easily overcome this issue.
You can add wait any digit.
Also try to run worklfow in background some time foreground provisioning attribute and background attribute set wrongly
Background need to set true
foreground need to set false.

Hi @sureshbomm In your lifecycle event rule, do you have condition to return “true” only when your requirement is met, else it should return false.

You can refer this post, where similar problem has been posted.