Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?
Version 8.3
Please share any images or screenshots, if relevant.
Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.
In our Non-Production environment (but soon to be in production in Mid-July) the use of NTLM has been disabled. This started to cause issues with the Active Directory Connector and using Simple Authentication (where the username must be provided as DOMAIN/UserName. We found that is we switch to SASL that under the covers Kerberos Authentication can be leveraged. However, when we try to use SASL we are getting a different authentication error (see attached Screenshot). Basically the error reads "FATAL: Runtime exception occurred while updating he KDC cache and the KRB configuration file - dc=,dc=; java.lang.Exception [ERROR 1] ERROR occurrend while instantiating SPSSASLConextManager, cannot proceed with context creation.