I have a transform that gets the CostCenter and I’m trying to do a compare but it appears as the gt > comparison error out. I’ve tried a few different ways, but when ever I use the gt > operator sailpoint fails to render. Below I’m trying to get the costcenter, check to see if it is higher than 1000, if so value should be Department.
"name": "CC Transform",
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"CostCenter": {
"attributes": {
"MyIntValue": {
"attributes": {
"sourceName": "SourceName",
"attributeName": "CostcenterCode"
"type": "accountAttribute"
"value": "#set($Integer = 0)#set($myAttValueInt = $Integer.parseInt($MyIntValue))$myAttValueInt"
"type": "static"
"Null": {
"type": "static",
"attributes": {
"value": ""
"value": "#set($I = 0)#set($IntegerValue = $I.parseInt($CostCenter))#if($IntegerValue gt 1000))Department"
"internal": false