Error on Task Server: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser

Hello All,

We have recently encountered an error on one of our task servers, while the other task server was able to execute tasks successfully. We are running on Windows Server with Tomcat.

Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser (initialization failure)


attached are the logs.
log.txt (2.2 KB)

Hi @sunilasm,

it means the class are you using is missing or the version is not compatible.

Check if jasperreports jar is present in WEB-INF\lib, check the permission, the owner and try to update it.

is your IIQ Env hosted on windows or linux? Any recent changes or upgrade done? what is the version of JDK you are using?

IIQ is hosted on windows server, we have total Task server, on one of the server we are facing this issue, the server it is fine all the task are running smoothly.

We dont see any recent changes on server

I’ve checked jasperreports jar is present in WEB-INF\lib on both the Task servers