Entitlements removal when Lifecycle State changes to inactive

Hi Experts,

Can anyone please help me with the before provisioning rule to remove all the entitlements of a user when his Lifecycle State changes to inactive (entitlements requested through request center, assigned through access profiles, Roles [other than birth right roles] should be revoked when a user’s lcs becomes inactive from different sources like AD, SalesForce.

The user’s roles should have criteria that included the LCS. For the BeforeProvisioning in AD you can Set the memberOf to the CN=Domain User,DC=example,CD=com to remove all other groups.

String domainUsersDN = "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com";
accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("memberOf", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, groups));

You can also do this with the Services Standard rule (request from Expert Services) and apply this configuration to your AD source.

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/cloudServicesIDNSetup",
        "value": {
            "eventConfigurations": [
                    "eventActions": [
                            "Action": "RemoveADEntitlements",
                            "Attribute": "memberOf",
                            "Value": "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
                    "Identity Attribute Triggers": [
                            "Action": "cloudLifecycleState",
                            "Operation": "eq",
                            "Value": "inactive"
                    "Operation": "Disable"

This triggers this function with the above configuration.

public void removeADEntitlements(Identity identity, AccountRequest accountRequest, Object value) {
	log.debug("Enter removeADEntitlements: " + value);
	if(accountRequest == null) {
		log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: accountRequest is null");
	String adDomainUsers = null;
	if(value == null) {
		log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: value is null");
	else if(value instanceof String) {
		if(((String) value).contains("DC")) {
			adDomainUsers = (String)value;
	if(adDomainUsers == null) {
		log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: value is not valid");
	if(identity == null) {
		log.error("removeADEntitlements: Invalid Arguments: Identity is null");
	List groupList = new ArrayList();
	accountRequest.add(new AttributeRequest("memberOf", ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Set, groupList));
	log.debug("Exit RemoveEntitlements");


Thanks for the response, can you please provide a way to achieve the removal of entitlements on salesforce application when a user’s lcs changes to inactive, thanks in advance.

Hello, I am seeking the same thing for Salesforce as mentioned by Sai Sumanth Golla