I’m trying to find a way to download a report of which entitlements have been requested in a set period of time, as well as how many times each ones been requested. I am looking in AIC but having trouble figuring it out. Is it a search?
Hi @jared-fox,
I was able to build this search which will get Access request details on entitlements and Roles (Past 24h).
(type:access_request) AND created:[now-24h TO now] AND (status:STARTED)
You can adjust the created date as needed.
To add the details section, use the column chooser. The only challenge is that you will need to click on each object to determine whether it is an entitlement or a role.
Additionally, if you want to view the processed ones as well, you can remove (status:STARTED)
from the query.
Hope this helps!
Hey Sachin,
I’m specifically trying to filter on entitlements, the objective is to find out which entitlements have been requested by users so I can create access profiles out of any that seem necessary and then make entitlements unrequestable. That is a useful query though. There’s no way to specify that you need to search just entitlements? I tried access_item:entitlement but that doesn’t work.
I tried searching for entitlements, but I couldn’t find anything. I even reviewed the API options.
Do you think the best option for now is to go with the one I suggested earlier? I understand it will require a lot of effort to go through each item just to create an access profile. After downloading the report, you’ll need to manually delete the roles and then filter the entitlements based on names (to find duplicates) using a filter option in your CSV.
Hope this helps!
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