Enhancement: Non-Employee Risk Management Expanded Language Support!


:bangbang: Non-Employee Risk Management (NERM) is pleased to announce support for four new languages in the (non-Admin) User Interface: Danish, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese.


As Non-Employee Risk Management is expanding into new markets and geos, we need to ensure that end users of the application are able to view and interact with the product in their preferred language.


  • Standard UI text has been translated into Danish, Dutch, Italian, and Japanese
  • Organizations can also provide custom text translations in the above languages

Who is affected?

All customer tenants have received the new translations.

Action Required

Languages are enabled for selection by the customer at the tenant-level, under Admin → System → Language. Clicking into a language allows Admins to configure or upload custom translations for things like Attribute labels, workflow names, etc.

After the language has been enabled for selection, individual (non-Admin) users can select their preferred language at the bottom of the homepage, and this will update the product interface to display in that language.

Important Dates

These languages have been enabled and are available in the product today!

Hi @jeff_lakey,

Is your team also responsible for ensuring that general notification templates in ISC can support multiple languages?

When an access request is made and a notification is send to the approver, we want the approver to receive a mail in french if the approver has french as preferred language accoring to our identity attribute, and receive a mail in english if the approver has english as preferred language according to our identity attribute. Same for other languages and other notification templates.

Right now it does not seem possible to offer multi-language support for notifications in the core product.

You can leave the translation, formatting and layout of the notifications to us. We just need a way to create these templates ourselves and we need ISC to send the right template.

Until then I think it is justifiable to say that SailPoint ISC does not truly offer multi-language support.